DATE: Saturday 12th October 2024

TIME: 9am for Registration, Breakfast and Briefing

LOCATION: Farnborough Beach, Bangalee Beach Access, Hinz Avenue

Join Weigh Auto Group, Opposite Lock Rockhampton, ReefClean and Clean Up Australia to protect the Great Barrier Reef from marine debris. Plastic waste, with 40,000 pieces per square kilometre, threatens our oceans, harming marine life and human health. ReefClean, funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and led by the Tangaroa Blue Foundation, has been tackling this issue since 2019 through clean-ups, education, and waste reduction strategies. Your volunteer efforts can help preserve the reef’s beauty and biodiversity for future generations. Make a difference in the fight against ocean pollution.

You can help with the Great Barrier Reef Clean-Up in two ways: either by using a 4WD vehicle or by walking. Once we have gathered all the registrations, we will assign you a section that best suits your preference.


Don’t speed – speed limits apply on the beach. Keep an eye out for signs.

Keep left on the beach where possible. Traffic is two-way

Keep a safe distance behind another vehicle

Wear your seatbelt and make sure your passengers do too

Do not overload vehicle/trailers, especially on roof racks. Vehicles can easily overturn or become trapped in soft sand.

All passengers must remain inside the vehicle while travelling.  It is illegal for people to travel outside the vehicle (e.g. on bonnets or in trays). Penalties apply to both the driver and the passengers.

Watch out for people, particularly children walking or playing on the beach.  It is important to remember that people may not hear your vehicle approaching due to the sound of the surf and wind.

 Ensure that children are supervised at all times.


Clean Up Day

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